What do horses, golf courses, graveyards and playing fields have in common?
At Stormwater Shepherds UK, we have been considering sources of pollution in urban areas recently, with a particular focus on sources of nutrient pollution. Horses
At Stormwater Shepherds UK, we have been considering sources of pollution in urban areas recently, with a particular focus on sources of nutrient pollution. Horses
On January 10th 2024, CIWEM launched their document ‘A Fresh Water Future’ at a well-attended event at the House of Commons. The document sets out
The selection of plants for SuDS devices is a tricky thing. The plants need to be able to cope with getting ‘wet feet’ in Winter.
Floodex was at the NEC Centre this year and there were a number of excellent presentations about flood risk management and sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).
We worked in partnership with the National Trust and ARUP to deliver some SuDS training in Sheffield on November 16th. The day was split between
In recent months, there have been many discussions about the use of ponds as part of the SuDS management train for residential developments. Ponds are
Click here to read out latest Newsletter: Summer Newsletter for our Zero Pollution Supporters 2023
This week, the Stormwater Shepherds UK team has been busy sampling sediments from different types of urban runoff treatment devices. The samples are for a
Our Director of Operations, Jo Bradley, has been out and about recently and she has been very impressed with some of the sites that she